
When selecting a power inverter from Meind Inverters, please make sure it has enough power for your appliance.
Just add together the watts for each item you may want to run at the same time. Keep in mind to also add about 15% to the total wattage to ensure you will have enough power to meet your needs. 

The estimated watts for the appliances below are estimates; please check your manual or the appliance itself for the actual wattage required. Doing this will ensure you select the correct inverter the first time.

Please use this easy formula to determine the correct size DC to AC power inverter if you only have Amps:

AMPS x 220 V = Watts (for 220v main power and 220v output inverter)

Example: 5 Amp Cooling Unit X 220 V= 1100 Watts

ApplianceEst. Watts ApplianceEst. Watts
Cell Phone24CD Player40
TV 25 Inch175Jig Saw350
Laptop Computer65-90Circular Saw1250
Computer & Monitor4001/2″ Drill700
CPAP200Sump Pump1000
Blender40040″ Fan1100
Space Heater1000Iron1000
Coffee Maker800Satellite Dish75
Small Microwave1000PS2, Xbox450