If you need to stay charged while you're on the road, maybe you need a power point in your car.
You'll find a wide range of charge cables and adapters for the car, which are...
The Theory of Car Power Inverter
Meind Car power inverter:
Power inverter could transfer the DC 12V into alternating current of AC 220V, the same with electric supply,
and it is a convenient car power converter and...
Watts, Peaks and Surges
The first step in selecting an inverter is to match the inverter to the voltage of the battery you'll be using for power.
In the majority of cases, you'll be using a...
3. Installation: Can fleets install an inverter?
“Generally speaking, yes,” says Carlson. “Most technicians will have no problem handling installation, and Meind does offer fleet training programs to our customers. We certainly would recommend our...
Inverter Installation
Power Inverters are very easy to install. Most of them are "plug and play" devices, especially small, low-wattage inverters.
These car inverters have a cable with a plug that fits into the cigarette lighter...
7 Factors to Consider When Using an Inverter -1
How Big?
Far and away, Carlson says, “what size inverter do I need” is the Number 1 and most important question he hears from fleets.
“It’s easy to...
Everyone uses some kind of electronic gadget while in their motor-home, SUV or car.
You might listen to your MP3 player, check for directions on your global positioning system (GPS) or play a portable video...
There are generally two types of inverters on the market for residential use.
These are pure sine wave and modified sine wave inverters.
The differences between the two are quite substantial in overall usefulness and cost.
These are the ones that are used for inversion of green technology power generation methods such as solar cells, which generate direct current so that this can tie into the homes power grid.
This type...
What is the difference between alternating and direct current?
This form of electricity is generally lower in voltage but it has a continuous stream of steady power.
Direct current is normally found in batteries both internal...