Types of Electrical Loads for Power Inverter
1. Resistive Loads
– Resistive loads are loads which consume electrical energy in a sinusoidal manner. This means that the current flow is in time with and directly proportional to the voltage.
– It is a load that contains no inductance or capacitance, just pure resistance. Therefore; when a resistive load is energised, the current rises instantly to its steady-state value without first rising to a higher value.
– It includes loads such as incandescent lighting and electrical heaters.
2. Inductive Loads
– An Inductive Load is a load that pulls a large amount of current (an inrush current) when first energised. After a few cycles or seconds the current “settles down” to the full-load running current.
– Inductive loads can casue excessive voltages to appear when switched.
– Examples of Inductive Loads are motors, transformers, and wound control gear.
3. Capacitive Loads
– A Capacitive Load is an AC electrical load in which the current wave reaches its peak before the voltage.
– Capacitive loads are loads that capacitance esceeds inductance.
– Example of a Capacitive Load is the flash of the camera.